// It is a really comfy bed, i love her soft blanket and mattress.
// The Cat next to TV caught my attention, it is a cool cat.
// These videos are from, she is Japanese and underage i think.
// Stephanie from Lazy Town should dance like this once for us.
// This is a music video from a Hong Kong indie band.
The song name is Christmas Seminude Party.
// I think she has really nice boobies, the shapes are wonderful.
But they should make a male version for girl fan like me.
// This looks like a screenshot from Japanese movie.
I want to see moar too :-(
haha. nice vidz
not really bro
but thanx for ur opinion
The Daily Soup-port Train is rolling by all stations!
rofl omg wtf, this
dat bouncing....
Kinda hot!
japans are awesome
I agree, this is hot.
what.. the.. hell :P
I've always said asians are superior when it comes to cuteness and beauty. supporting!
Giving my daily support :D
i'm in your page givin you a favour! pls return it! :3
Ohhh, bounce bounce!
LOL what the what? and that wallpaper does look like its from some weird movie. do want tho
As soon as the music started I came and started farting.
lol, they are nearly naked!
kinda weird and hot at the same time!
Hi, like your blog its creative.
I cant even believe that youtube has that kind of videos !
Cute :3
yellow fever
Damn post it notes ruined the first video! :p
Jap people are very entertaining
Support has arrived!!!
Followed, clicked, supported
much love!
OMG can you removed those post-(t)its next time?
Pretty cool videos.
wow :) i haven't seeen these before
strange but hot. honestly, awesome blog. followed!
weirdly fascinating. definite follow.
I want to know what anime the song from the second vid is from.
Too much japanese...
Great ideas here!
not enough japanese :p
and thanks bro.
hey thats a cool wallpaper
they allow those videos on youtube? AWESOME.
Haha, oh wow, that's weird. And yeah, I'm surprised they allow this on youtube.
This really looks like something my friend would love... not quite my thing though. Haha.
haha and thats still up on youtube
Wow that's some fine asians :-)
Lol them asians xD
cheers for following man. also what is this i dont even
lol, this could be a trap! -ponders-
nice. following.
never knew they had this stuff on youtube!
A lot of cool stuff here, and nice layout too.
I wonder how that's even allowed on youtube
the wallpaper actually comes from the junsui, it was like a very weird internet phenomenon, sorta like a game, it was really deep
lol wut
nice post!
The Japanese are awesome but sometimes they can be really weird. Weird in a good way I mean. :)
69 comments. I hope it means something. ;)
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