// I really love this cows music video, they are some good cows.
Every time you eat steaks you can imagine them dancing on the plate, it' s like a carnival.
My favorite part is the spider-cows, i' ve never seen any spider with that many delicious meats.
// Sometimes you need to give your cow a walk and let them exercise, this is good for their health.
We can see this cow has really nice udders, you need to give your cow a gentle massage every night to get it. This is a tough job. Nice udders mean quality milk, and you can eat delicious cereal everyday.
// We can see that they are both female, the wingless hen gave birth to the egg, and cow has udders.
I think lesbians are so hot. Btw, i like men and i' m not bisexual.
// Let see the instruction there, it is hard to squeeze the milk out when the milk is under the udders.
Then you can cut off their legs to get the milk. Be careful losing any precious milk in the process.
Moo, Do You Like Cows?
holy crap those cows in the first vid! so effing awesome!
Cows are the most awesomest animal ever!
holy god man wtf did i just watch.
milky-way plus shrooms i guess
cows everywhere!! :D SUPPORTING!
cows are great for being good and a lil mean when showing off with uber poopies >=(
Daily love, nice wallpapers too.
cows are yummehhh
daily support !
cows, cows everywhere o.O
following please return the favour :)
I LOVE cows. :D
Those :D
Nice wallpapers
Coming across this blog, following and showing love. I will never look at cows the same. Love the eye candy.
Heres my blog.
i can't comment on your page somehow.
For some reason I feel guilty looking at the last pic.
mooo, cows - cows everywhere!
supportin' bro!
cow egg lol!!
hahha nice cow blog ;) supporrtt
your post just made me all about cows.
fuck yeah bro
this may be teh best blog I've encountered yet.
showing the love ALSO <3
Rawr at the second video
Supportin' bro
i love cows, supporting and following you :)
mine is about other kind of cows lol, my experiences and pix with women check it out if u wanna
lol my friend, you stay awake way too much
Suddenly...cows! Thousands of them!
Now following
tipppp them allllll over at once... epic plan
i have a newfound love for cows D:
i love milk not cows :)) but i liked that girl :D
Gotta love the internet.
I really like your blog. You helped introduce me to ET: The Pornographic Movie. I am forever in your debt. I wanted to drop by and give your blog some love.
aye brotha, that you do.. still appreciate you reading my blog :) i'm following yours too
You guys might enjoy that, if you enjoy cows.
Nice post, btw.
Happy cow! daily love!
i like cows! and also this blog!
love the wallpapers!
(what does TPB mean :P?)
Great Post my friend. :D
lolol, wow! supportin'
Fuck yeah cows!
Cows are pretty damn awesome. Thanks for the comment and support!
oh wow, that first vid...
lol, japan is one weird culture :)
i never thought i would say this, but:
Why dose it say ## Friendly comments? What if i cursed on you now? :P
daily support mate
Could not be anywhere else than japan xD
i love cyriaks animations. currently been subbed with him for a couple years now :P
Follow me bros.
u hot 67 zergling-followers moar :D so gemme sooomeeeee!!!!
with fuckin love your bro!
lol love the last wallpaper :P
showing some love :)
Cute asian cow girl :3
Oh god wat... cows man... cows... O_O
alot of cows to many cows !
Haha, I love cows :D <3
holy cow! the second wallpaper is really awesome!
That second video feels like it was ripped from some strange japanese kids show.
cows are the best, keep it up..
That second video..
That bathing suit..
That music..
I'll never see cows the same way again. ;_;
Whoa why did I click play?
supporting u mate.
I wanna PLay :))
Adding you to my daily list because I liek cows.
Do you like zombie hookers? Check it:
cows are awesome :D
Cows everywhere!
Very cool blog!
Nice i like it Supportin & follow you!
cows like lubrication too. awesome!
Homosexuality and bestiality... That must correspond to a whole new level...
cool post bro!
haha i like it
Showin' some support!
great posts and videos!
Omfg cowsss
Cowspiders!! YYEEERRGGGHH!!!
cows...cows everywhere
Saw that cow video in class one day.
Spider cows fucking terrify me.
nice post
Keep supporting daily !
Cool blog !
Keep it coming.
cows, there are many of them
Fucking cows man, awesome.
Fucking cows, how do they work?
Supporting for 9/11!
ohw cmon how the hell u do it?
i mean i understand the cows but 15+ more followers in just 1 me how......
supporting you i dont care how many times ! <3
The first video is just like... woooah... WOOOOAAAAHHH. xD
I <3 Cows
that first video was the. fucking. greatest. I am a big fan of cows, by the way.
haaha! the first cow video was great
fuck yeah cows!!
Showin Daily Support
that video was um.. hahaha
I think my ears started bleeding during that first cow vid from the insanity of it
Haha nice
LMAO, another quality update. Thanks for that bum, really need the laugh from the cosplayer vid!
Just wanted to stop by today!
funny!!! :)))
i'm in your page, givin you a favour! pls return it! :3
Got some good content mate
just returning the favour
Them asians man. Them asians.
I want make sex with hot cow lady!
I click you so hard.
good post im loving your layout how'd you use your own banner ?!
lolwut? ~~ Cow Maddness!!
cool wallpapers!
i sasw that surrealist cow video like 2 weeks ago and laughed my ass off first time i saw it, gg
needs more wallpoopers
a lot of cows yoo :P
the second video is extremely disturbing to me
some wierd, random vids there! haha. awesome blog
i have never seen so many cows... following you my man
Cutting their legs is terrible >_>
Beef ftw.
Holy cow thats a lot
I'm quite fond of that last image for some reason. Don't know why I never thought of it. Anyways, I like this blog a lot and have decided to follow it.
Also, in case you're interested, I have a blog as well. It's the life story of a badass told in the style of a classic American tall tale, like Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill, only he's born in 1950s Americana. It's a fusion of the fantastical (semi-sentient bears for instance) with the real (the Vietnam War). Looking for actual readers rather than clickers/supporters, so if you like what you see, stick around. :)
lulz cows ;S
nice observation on the chicken and the cow being female ( possibly lesbians ) ;P
im gonna check here often ;)
The word is in, people love the cows!
BAHAHAHAHA! nice man, love the blog. Cool shit.
I'm not sure what just happened. mooooooooooooo.
nice post!
Epic post is epic.
Everyone follow me @
Love cows.
Fun post, like the wallpapers!
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